martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Mozzart effect

The term "Mozart Effect" refers to the effects which people listen to tunes W. A. Mozart. This was because researchers showed that listening to Mozart would make you smarter, it was such the impact that some states in the USA made a law requiring that classical music is heard every day.
A psychologist and neurobiologist made an investigation exposing 36 students for 10 minutes of the Mozart sonata. They had positive effects on tests of spatial and temporal reasoning. This effect lasted about 10 minutes and supposedly the finding was published in 1993 in the journal Nature. Since then, they have tried to repeat these experiments and have never reached the same result.
The influence of the music of W. A. Mozart in the brain as some researchers lies in the patterns and timing. The alleged Mozart effect is also used to describe the effects of music on human behavior, regardless of their gender.

Many believe that babies listening to Mozart will be more intelligent when they grow up, because it activates the auditory cortex and areas associated with emotion, it also manages to activate brain areas associated with fine motor coordination and vision.

Mozart's music is used in hospital wards, before surgery, in factories, libraries, and other environments, looking as appropriate at relaxation, concentration, memory, creativity and analysis.

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