martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

The Monastery

A monastery is home to many or a few monks in the world. There are different types of monasteries according to their religion. In the middle Ages, these monasteries served basis as much as farms, guest houses, learning centers and hospitals, always under the rules of religion.

They are called the Hindu monastery saniasi who decide to leave the family and engage in prayer wearing saffron robes. They are aided by the common people, wise men who consider them. In these monasteries, the monks live in simple rooms and buildings with large rooms for meditation. The equivalent of a Christian monastery called ashram, although STI buildings and way of life differs in some points.

Are Buddhist monasteries similar to the Hindus? Buddhist monks formerly spent on them only three months of rain. In both cases, the monks leave the monastery and dog lead a family life.

Were the rules based on the handwriting of Ordinances that the monks of the various monastic orders to follow. Began when increasing the number of monks and there was need for some organization. Many of These Are rules and preserved by the monasteries are maintained in that order. The rules include sections That Used to read in the monasteries in the chapter. They would dictate a set of rules to follow, Both Practical and spiritual character and life of the monks (clothing, food, sleep, work)

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